




Analysis Request – Car Wash

As water is required throughout the entire car wash process, including all pre-soak steps, foam applications, wash cycles and the multiple rinse phases, the quality of your water is essential. Poor water quality will give poor results and will ultimately lead to unhappy customers.


What appears clean and clear may not produce the best results for your car wash. Various chemical parameters such as the pH of the water, Total dissolved solids, Hardness and Total chlorine levels help determine water suitability.  Vinlab H2O offers a comprehensive ‘Car Wash’ water package that includes all essential chemical analyses.


Water containing high levels of minerals is considered Hard. Hard water prevents soap from lathering, can cause spots and results in build-up of calcium and magnesium scale on equipment and fixtures. Total dissolved solids, referring to the mineral salts of water and dissolved organic materials, leave spots after drying. Using water with a higher concentration of Total dissolved solids will require both increased amounts of water for rinsing and manual labour. Chlorine, commonly used to treat bacteria in water, will destroy reverse osmosis membranes and erode copper pipes.

How often?

Water should be tested by a lab before considering water treatment for the first time. Once water volumes and chemical parameters of concern are determined, water testing schedules can be implemented. Water hardness, total dissolved solids, pH and chlorine levels should be tested on-site at least once a week by the owner. However, when considering water treatment, these tests should be conducted by a lab.


Water quality will differ greatly depending on both the source of water and the geographic location of your car wash. Before opening your car wash or purchasing any equipment, determine the quality of the water.


As water is the driving force behind your business, every car wash operator and owner should frequently have their water tested.