Analysis Request – Bottled Water
Bottled water can be described as any spring, natural, carbonated, or prepared water packaged in a sealed container of various capacities and forms offered for sale as a foodstuff intended for human consumption. According to regulations bottled waters should not contain sugars, sweeteners, flavourings or any other foodstuff. Vinlab H2O offers a bottled water package in line with the SANS 1657 requirement including all necessary chemical and microbiological parameters.
Bottled water naturally needs to be free from microbiological contaminants such as fecal coliforms, total coliforms and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. As consumers expect an aesthetically pleasing product the physical parameters of turbidity and colour are tested, along with various inorganic contaminants (arsenic, nitrates and lead), and naturally occurring compounds (sulphates and sodium).
Consumers need to know the bottled water they buy is safe for consumption. Bottled water, therefore, needs to be tested for chemical and microbiological contaminants that may pose a health threat or impart an undesirable taste, odour or colour. Bottled water also needs to meet strict quality and labelling requirements.
How often?
Testing of bottled water should take place on each type of finished product and each non-municipal source of water annually. More frequent testing of total coliform bacteria and heterotrophic plate count is recommended, or if changes in taste, colour and odour are evident.
Bottled water testing can adhere to an annual or quarterly schedule; however, water testing would be required when changes in nearby activities or conditions occur.
It is primarily the responsibility of the bottler to test the quality of their water source used for bottling as well as their finished product.